Sunday, 8 September 2013


It's been a busy couple of weeks here as you can probably tell by my absence last week! I have a few goodies to show you though. 

I received some stunning fiber and a spindle in the post recently, as a prize for some spinning done during (not for) the Tour de Fleece over on ravelry. 

The fiber, from Corgi Hill Farm, is the most luxurious I have in my stash and a new blend for me. It's camel/silk in a stunning gold colour and the spindle is a Spanish Peacock russian spindle measuring just 8 inches! It's a speedy spin and so lovely to use. 

Over the summer I ordered some Cygnet Wool Rich sock yarn. It arrived a while ago but I put it away as I was knitting other things. I have decided that after I finish my Parrot Socks I am going to knit some contrasting heel and toe socks using these two colours. What do you think? I intend to use the Fish Lips Kiss Heel pattern. Has anyone used it? I would love to hear recommendations or tips.  

I was considering knitting some stripy socks initially but I'm not sure I want all those ends to weave in! Does the magic knot technique work for stripes? 

At the beginning of the week I received some rather colourful fiber. It's Hobbledehoy dizzed roving in Shire and is made of up merino, bamboo and tencel with a sprinkling of silver angelina. The pink (of which there is more on the other side of the braid) is really not me but it's a fun braid and will spin up into some fun yarn. 

As for my WIPs, my socks are coming along quite well. The heel is done now and I'm on to the leg. However, I became quite impatient to start the heel so am now gifting these to a friend with smaller feet than I! The gusset was a pain to knit though and I shall be avoiding these like the plague! 

My Belgian Waffle shawl is approximately 40% done. I'm not sure if I'll finish it before the WIP blog hop comes round but I shall try! 

The Nunoco batt has taken a bit of a back seat though while I've been spinning that beautiful camel/silk. I need to give it a bit more love and attention! 

What have you been knitting or spinning this week? 


  1. It depends for how many rows you want to stripe, but for reasonably narrow stripes of four/five/six at a push rows, have you thought about carrying rows up the inside? I've done it very successfully for sleeves. No ends to weave till you finish with a colour!

    1. I haven't thought of carrying it up the inside as I wasn't sure how neat this would look. Perhaps if I did it on the sole of the foot where no one is going to notice!!

  2. That camel/silk blend looks amazing! I'm so jealous about your spindle too. It's beautiful. I had a look at Nunoco batts yesterday and I have to say I was seriously tempted. I'm sure at some point I will cave but I have recently been on a fibre buying binge.

    1. You will eventually cave on the Nunoco front I'm sure. The colours are gorgeous and you won't be disappointed. They will wait for you to spin through your stash though!!
