Friday, 6 February 2015

What a Knitiot!

As I was in the car this morning I was knitting blissfully away on the left front of my cardigan. I stopped just at the point where I am due to do the bust increases and had a quick scan of the pattern to make sure I knew what was coming up. Then a thought occurred to me. Had I done the bust increases in the right front? If not that would account for the 5 missing stitches that I had to fudge....note to self to check for much needed bust increases.

So I got home and had a quick check of the right front and sure enough it looks like I missed the bust increases....I'm not sure how but I must not have read that part of the pattern! I'm glad now that I know where I lost those 5 stitches as I was racking my brains trying to work it out....

Luckily I had it in my mind that I may have to reknit the right front anyway. I may well rip down to the first decrease as it's not so neat so I suppose that's my silver lining.

I hope you all have a lovely crafty weekend lined up! 

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  1. Ohnoes, that sucks!! :( But at least you found them, and if you were planning to reknit that part anyways it might not be too horrible. But still not such a nice discovery.

    1. It's not so bad to be honest. I didn't rip back all the way as the decreases had settled down a bit and I think with blocking they'll settle down some more. I like knitting with the yarn and I'm enjoying the process. I am now really looking forward to having it done though and can see a light at the end of the tunnel!
